The <marquee> tag is used to create a scrolling or moving text or image effect within a HTML page. 

All Attributes given below:

1. Behavior (behavior="scroll")- 

Specify the behavior of scrolling using the behavior attribute (scroll, slide or alternate)

<marquee behavior="scroll">Your text will scroll.</marquee>
Your text will scroll

2. Direction (direction="left") - 

Direction of scrolling using the direction attribute (left, right, up or down)

<marquee direction="left">Your text will scroll from right to left.</marquee>
Your text will scroll from right to left.

3. Scrollamount (scrollamount="5")- 

define the speed of scrolling using the scrollamount attribute.

<marquee scrollamount="5">This text will scroll faster</marquee>
This text will scroll faster

4. Scrolldelay (scrolldelay="100")

 It is Used for delay between each scroll movement 

<marquee scrolldelay="100">This text will scroll with a delay of 100 milliseconds</marquee>
This text will scroll with a delay of 100 milliseconds

5. Loop (loop="3") -

 number of times loop exicute.

<marquee loop="3">This text will loop three times</marquee>
This text will loop three times

6. Bgcolor(bgcolor="yellow")

Used for background color of the marquee tag.

<marquee bgcolor="yellow">This text will have a yellow background</marquee>
This text will have a yellow background

7. Width and Height (width="50%" height="100px")

<marquee width="50%" height="100px">This text will have a width of 50% and height of 100 pixel</marquee>
This text will have a width of 50% and height of 100 pixel

8. Hspace and Vspace (hspace="20" vspace="10") -  

Specify the horizontal and vertical space around the marquee using the hspace and vspace attributes.

<marquee hspace="20" vspace="10">This text will have 20 pixels of horizontal space and 10 pixels of vertical space around it.</marquee>
This text will have 20 pixels of horizontal space and 10 pixels of vertical space around it.

9. Mouse Events (onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();")

<marquee onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();">This text scroll when mouse is over and scroll again when mouse leave</marquee>
This text will stop scrolling when the mouse is over it and start again when the mouse leaves.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Marquee Example</title>
        Text will scroll from right to left.